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Are you ready for a really easy, really fun, engaging activity for your littles?! Try out this FREE Easter Egg treasure hunt!

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I created this activity for a challenge my sister gave to our family. Once a week, our family takes turns creating a challenge for everyone to complete. Last week, my sister gave us the challenge to cook something with our kiddos, and then share the experience with the family via the Marco Polo app. It was so fun to see what everyone created! My brother gave us a very detailed recipe to create “breakfast soup” AKA cereal! 😂😂

So on Sunday, I will be giving my family the challenge to go on an Easter Egg Treasure Hunt! I decided to write out some clues so my challenge would be as stress-free as possible! These clues will take you on a treasure hunt around your house and to a very “special treat” at the end! Sound easy-peasy?! Yup! It’s a good one! So I’m extending my challenge to you! Go ahead grab yourself a copy, and then don’t forget to report back and tell me how it went!