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Hi! My name is Katelyn! Behind the scenes are my two daughters. When my first daughter was born we gave her multiple nicknames. My very favorite was Missy Marlo! She’s three (almost four now) and we love to learn and explore together with her little sister (Sissy Bug, age 1).

This is our “journal” of learning. As we learn and grow we’d love to share with you the fun things we create, the activities that inspire us, and whatever else we can think of!

I graduated from Utah State University in 2013 with my Bachelors of Science Degree in Human Growth and Development with an emphasis in Child Development. I have always been fascinated with the “why” of our development physically, mentally, and emotionally.

As a parent, I have tried to use the knowledge I gained in college to be a better mother. I definitely have a lot to work on to be better, but don’t we all!  I am grateful for the things that I did learn and I can’t wait to share my ideas with you!

So buckle up and get ready to have fun with us! Let’s get learning with Missy Marlo!



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