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File folder games are a fun, hands-on way to help preschool, kindergarten, and 1st grade students practice different elements they are learning in school and at home.

File folders are perfect for use as centers, indoor recess, early finishers, incentive parties, and review days!

Supplies Needed:

  • File Folder Game to Assemble
  • 1 File Folder
  • 1 Menu Size Lamination Pouch for File Folder
  • Lamination Pouch for Game Pieces
  • 13″ Laminator Machine


  • Glue
  • Clear Velcro
  • 1 Ziplock Bag
  • Stapler

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Step 1: Print out file folder game for assembly. (Printing on card stock paper gives the file folder game more durability.)

Color if needed.

Cut out all game pieces.

*****Do you have a Cricut? I have Cricut Print Then Cut files included file folder game purchases in my store!*****

Grab your Cricut here!


Step 2: Put file folder inside the menu size lamination pouch to check if any parts need to be trimmed off.

Check out my favorite menu size lamination pouches here.

If needed, trim the file folder so it will fit inside of the lamination pouch. (I like to trim off the side of the file folder that is opposite of the label tab.)

Step 3: Glue the game label, how to play, picture game title, and needed game pieces into the file folder.  Put file folder into the menu size lamination pouch. 

Step 4: On the back of the game pieces, write the initials of the game and the correct answer. This way if the pieces get misplaced you can easily put them back into the right game. This will also make the game self-checking.

Glue the game pieces into a lamination pouch. (Not the menu pouch you have for the file folder.) I like these Scotch Lamination pouches. 

I like to use these glue sticks because they dry clear.

Step 5: Put lamination pouches through the warmed up laminator.

I love this 13″ laminator.

Step 6: Cut the excess laminate around the file folder. Cut out the game pieces. Make sure to leave enough room around the pieces to not break the seal of the laminate. 

Step 7: Add velcro to file folder and game pieces.

I love these clear velcro dots! They keep the game pieces from sliding around but you can see through them to the pictures underneath.

(Make sure the hook part of the clear velcro is attached to the file folder. The loop part of the velcro is not as clear as the hook part.)

Pro tip: Use regular velcro dots for file folder games and pieces that you don’t need to see through the dots. I love these!

You can cut the velcro dots in half for smaller game pieces and make your velcro last longer.  

Step 8: Tape or glue the bag label to a ziplock bag. Put velcro dots on the back of the bag and stick it to the file folder. Store your game pieces in the bag. I like to use a snack size or sandwhich size bag.

Tadaa! You’re file folder game is ready to go!

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*Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links.  Using these links allows me to continue to create content like this for you! I will receive a small commision for any purchase you make using these links at no extra cost to you. See our full affliliate disclosure HERE.

Grab all of your supplies here!


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